
A ballot measure is way to propose laws and constitutional amendments to the citizens of North Dakota on the ballot. The Secretary of State is the filing officer for statewide Constitutional, Initiated, and Referendum measures.

  • Constitutional Measure - changes the constitution of the State of North Dakota which can only be accomplished by a vote of the people. Petitions require 4% of the population (31,164 signatures)

  • Initiated Measure - changes North Dakota Century Code which can be accomplished by a vote of the people or by the state legislature. Petitions require 2% of the population (15,582 signatures)

  • Referendum Measure - repeals a change of North Dakota Century Code that was passed by either a vote of the people or by the state legislature.

A sponsoring committee looking to circulate a statewide ballot measure petition must first have the form of the petition approved by the Secretary of State. They then have 1 year to circulate the petition and gather signatures. However, the petition must be filed 120 days before the Primary or General Elections in order to be placed on the respective ballot for that election. 


Types of Ballot Measures

A ballot measure can be brought forth by the legislature or through a petition process initiated by the citizens of North Dakota. Learn more about the different types of ballot measures. 

Types of Ballot Measures

Measures on Ballot

Learn more about measures currently approved to appear on the ballot. 

Measures on Ballot

Drafting Ballot Measures

Article III of the North Dakota Constitution guarantees the right of the people to initiate or refer laws by petition. This section provides you with the laws and procedures associated with the petition process. in North Dakota. 

Drafting Ballot Measures

Petitions in Circulation

Learn more about initiated measure petitions currently in circulation for signatures. Petitions currently under signature review by the Office of the Secretary of State are also included in this section.

Petitions in Circulation