Below are quick resources for election related information and laws.
Voter Guides
Election Cycle Important Dates
Election Calendar - Download important date for the current election cycle.
State Information & Maps
State Information
- Election Calendar - Download important date for the current election cycle.
- Statewide Polling Places & Precincts (2024 General Election) - Polling places and precinct information.
- Political Parties – Connect with state political party organizations.
Legislative District Maps
- 2024 Printable Statewide Map - Printable version of North Dakota legislative districts map.
- 2025-2032 Interactive Maps- Interactive district maps maintained by North Dakota Legislative Council.
Election Law
- North Dakota Election Law Book - Download PDF booklet of all North Dakota Century Code election related statutes.
- North Dakota Constitution - View the articles of North Dakota's constitution.
Election Organizations
- Federal Elections Commission
- Federal Voting Assistance Program
- Help America Vote Act
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC)
- Election Center – National Association of Election Officials
- National Association of State Election Directors (NASED)
- National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS)
- Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
- North Dakota Association of Counties
Tribal ID & Address Grant Program
The Tribal ID & Address Grant Program offers grants aimed at providing financial support of up to $5,000 per election cycle to aid tribal government in issuing addresses and identification for the purposes of voting by tribal members and non members living within tribal boundaries to meet the state's voter identification requirements. Grants awards must be preapproved and are provided on a reimbursement basis. Learn more about qualifications and requirements:
If you are a tribal member seeking information about voting in North Dakota, visit Voter Resources.
Conduct at Polling Locations
Media Guidance for Polling Locations
Media Guidance
Media Representatives are encouraged to contact the county auditor prior to visiting, when possible, to minimize disruption at polling locations.
- Media representatives should check in with election officials upon arrival at polling location.
- Election workers may direct placement of equipment and media personnel to ensure voter safety and privacy.
Filming, Photography & Voter Rights
- Always respect the rights of voters.
- Every voter has the right to cast a ballot in secrecy and in private
- Please recognize that filming and photography in a polling location may be intimidating to voters who are voting.
- Permitted equipment includes photography equipment, television cameras, and necessary lighting and equipment.
- All subjects in close-ups must agree before being filmed or photographed.
Etiquette in Polling Locations
Etiquette must be followed within 100 feet from the entrance of the room the polling location is in and inside the polling location. Media may not:
- Talk to voters who are in the process of checking in with election workers or casting their ballot.
- Touch any official record, ballot, or voting equipment.
- Bring, or ask any voter to bring, campaign items or literature inside the polling location.
- Interview voters about their choices.
- Interfere with election officials or obstruct the election process.
- Compromise the secrecy of a voter’s ballot.
- Talk on cell phones.
Election Observers
Guidance for Election Observers
Election observers are individuals who wish to monitor the administration of the election through observation.
- Election observers may not interfere with voters, election processes, or members of the election board.
- Election observers may not interfere with any voter preparing to cast a vote or prevent elected officials from performing their official duties.
- Election observers may not cause any disturbances or obstruct voters or election officials on their way to or at polling locations.
- Election observers may not wear any campaign materials advocating for or against a candidate or position on the ballot.
- Polling locations will designate a space for election observers that does not infringe on voter privacy.
- Election observers must be allowed access to all stages of the election process. Any person who does not appear on the ballot may be an election observer.
Additional details can be found in the Meaningful Election Observation Guide.
Who Selects Election Observers
- Election observers can be selected by an organization to represent them or can be any individual, except a candidate whose name is on the ballot in a voting place where the ballot is used.
- Election observers are to identify themselves to election officials and must wear a badge with their name and the name of any organization they are representing.
Electioneering - Election Day Campaigning
- Individuals may not attempt to persuade any voter for or against a candidate, political party, or ballot issue within 100 feet of a polling place while open for voting. This is called electioneering.
- Political badges, buttons, insignias, or other items may not be worn within 100 feet from the entrance of a polling place or in the polling place while it is open for voting.
Voter Prohibited Conduct
Election Offenses
The following are considered election offenses:
- Fraudulently alter another individual’s ballot or substitute one ballot for another or to otherwise defraud a voter of their vote.
- Obstruct a qualified elector on the way to or at a polling place.
- Vote more than once in any election.
- Knowingly vote in the wrong election precinct or district.
- Disobey the lawful command of an election officer as defined in chapter 16.1-05.
- Knowingly exclude a qualified elector from voting or knowingly allow an unqualified person to vote.
- Knowingly vote when not qualified to do so.
- Willfully fail to perform any duty of an election officer after having accepted the responsibility of being an election officer by taking the oath as prescribed in this title.
- Willfully violate any rule adopted by the Secretary of State pursuant to this title.
- Willfully make any false canvass of votes, or make, sign, publish or deliver any false return of an election, knowing the same to be false, or willfully deface, destroy, or conceal any statement or certificate entrusted to the individual’s or organization’s care.
- Destroy ballots, ballot boxes, election lists or other election supplies except as provided by law.
Paying for Election Related Activities
No person may pay another person for:
- Any loss of damage due to attendance at the polls;
- Registering;
- The expense of transportation to or from the polls; or
- Personal services to be performed on the day of a caucus, primary election or any election which tend in any way, directly or indirectly, to affect the result of such caucus or election
Tampering with Voting Systems
Any person who violates any of the provisions of NDCC § 16.1-06.25 relating to electronic voting systems, who tampers with or injures any electronic voting system or device to be used or being used in any election, or who prevents the correct operation of any such system or device to be used or being used in any election is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
Exit Polling
Exit polling is allowed in North Dakota. An individual may conduct exit polls as long as the person:
- Remains outside of the room where voting is taking place.
- Does not ask voters questions until they have left the polling place.
- Informs the voter that answering their questions is voluntary.
Election Information Videos
The DS200 Ballot Tabulator is used to count ballots at all polling locations.
The ExpressVote assistive ballot marking device can be used by any voter.