- County - County Auditor is the filing officer for county and multi-county district contests.
- City - City Auditor is the filing officer for city contests.
- School - School Business Manager is the filing officer for school district contests.
County Office Filings
The County Auditor is the filing officer for county and multi-county district contests. All contests at the county level are non-partisan. Some counties use an appointment process for some contests, depending on their form of government.
Eligibility | Terms | Filing Requirements
Printable Running for County/Multi-district Office Guide
County Offices
The County Auditor is the filing officer for county and multi-county district contests. All contests at the county level are non-partisan. Some counties use an appointment process for some contests, but generally, the following are filed with the county auditor for placement on the ballot.
- Must be a qualified voter in the county in which the candidate is to serve. Some exceptions may apply depending on the form of county government (NDCC § 11-10-04).
- Commissioner
- 4-year term of office begins on the first Monday in December following the election.
- 4-year term of office begins on the first Monday in December following the election.
- Recorder
- 4-year term of office begins on January 1st following the election.
- Sheriff
- 4-year term of office begins on January 1st following the election.
- State's Attorney
- 4-year term of office begins on January 1st following the election.
- 4-year term of office begins on January 1st following the election.
- Auditor
- 4-year term of office begins on April 1st following the election.
- 4-year term of office begins on April 1st following the election.
- Treasurer
- 4-year term of office begins on May 1st following the election.
Filing Requirements
Candidate filings must be filed by deadlines listed in the Candidate Calendar. Forms needed for a complete filing include:
- Petition/Certificate of Nomination (SFN 2704) with not less than 2% of the votes cast for the same offices in the last general election that the office appeared on the ballot, or no more than 300 signatures from qualified voters of the district (NDCC § 16.1-11-11).
- Affidavit of Candidacy (SFN 2703)
- Statement of Interests (SFN 10172)
Campaign Finance
Candidates for county and multi-county office must file financial disclosure statements pursuant to NDCC § 16.1-08.1-02.3(6) with their County Auditor.
Garrison Conversion Conservancy District - Director
- Must be a qualified voter in the jurisdiction in which the candidate is to serve.
- 4-year terms begin on January 1st following the election.
Filing Requirements
Candidate filings must be filed by deadlines listed in the Candidate Calendar. Forms needed for a complete filing include:
- Petition/Certificate of Nomination (SFN 2704) - not less than 50 or more than 300 signatures of qualified voters of the county (NDCC § 61-24-03).
- Affidavit of Candidacy (SFN 2703)
- Statement of Interests (SFN 10172)
Campaign Finance
Candidates for county and multi-county office must file financial disclosure statements pursuant to NDCC § 16.1-08.1-02.3(6) with their County Auditor.
Soil Conservation District - Supervisor
Supervisors are elected directly at the General Election without a Primary Election.
- Must be a qualified voter in the jurisdiction in which the candidate is to serve.
- 6-year terms begin on January 1st following the election.
Filing Requirements
Candidate filings must be filed by deadlines listed in the Candidate Calendar. Forms needed for a complete filing include:
- Petition/Certificate of Nomination (SFN 2704) - signatures of not less than 25 or more than 300 qualified electors of the county for the General Election (NDCC § 4.1-20-16).
- Affidavit of Candidacy (SFN 2703)
- Statement of Interests (SFN 10172)
Campaign Finance
Candidates for county and multi-county office must file financial disclosure statements pursuant to NDCC § 16.1-08.1-02.3(6) with their County Auditor.
Southwest Water Authority - County Director
- Must be a qualified voter in the jurisdiction in which the candidate is to serve.
- 4-year terms begin on the 1st Monday in July following the election.
Filing Requirements
Candidate filings must be filed by deadlines listed in the Candidate Calendar. Forms needed for a complete filing include:
- Petition/Certificate of Nomination (SFN 2704) - signature from 2% of the qualified voters of the county as determined by the number of votes cast in the most recent election at which the office appeared on the ballot (NDCC § 61-24.5.06).
- Affidavit of Candidacy (SFN 2703)
- Statement of Interests (SFN 10172)
Campaign Finance
Candidates for county and multi-county office must file financial disclosure statements pursuant to NDCC § 16.1-08.1-02.3(6) with their County Auditor.
City Office Filings
The City Auditor is the filing officer for city contests. All contests at the city level are non-partisan. Some cities use an appointment process for some contests, depending on their form of government.
Eligibility | Terms | Filing Requirements
City Offices
- Must be a qualified voter in the city in which the candidate is to serve.
- Live in the city for at least 9 months before the election.
- Council Members - Must be a resident of the ward for which elected except in cities where council members are elected at large pursuant to NDCC § 40-08-04.2.
Appointed city officers must be citizens of the United States.
- Mayor
- 4-year term of office lasts until a successor is officially elected.
- 4-year term of office lasts until a successor is officially elected.
- Council Member
- 4-year term of office lasts until a successor is officially elected.
- Commissioner
- 4-year term of office lasts until a successor is officially elected.
- 4-year term of office begins on July 1st of the year in which the member was elected.
Filing Requirements
Candidate filings must be filed by deadlines listed in the Candidate Calendar.
Forms that need to be filed with the City Auditor for a complete filing includes:
- Petition/Certificate of Nomination (SFN 2704) - 10% of the number of qualified voters who voted for that office in the last city election, or not more than 300 signatures (NDCC § 40-21-07).
- If multiple candidates were elected to the office at the preceding city election at which the office was voted upon, the number of signatures must equal at least 10% of the total votes cast for all candidates divided by the number of candidates that were to be elected to that office at that election.
- Statement of Interests (SFN 10172)
Nominating petitions may be signed by:
- Wards - qualified voters who live in the ward if elected by wards.
- Elected at Large - qualified voters who live within the corporate city limits if elected at large.
- Commission - qualified voters at large who live within the city.
Campaign Finance
Candidates for city office in cities with a population equal to or less than 5,000 are not subject to financial disclosure requirements.
Candidates for cities with a population greater than 5,000 must file financial disclosure statements pursuant to NDCC § 16.1-08.1-02.3(6) with their City Auditor.
Southwest Water Authority - City Director
- Must be a qualified voter in the jurisdiction in which the candidate is to serve.
- 4-year terms begin on the 1st Monday in July following the election.
Filing Requirements
Candidate filings must be filed by deadlines listed in the Candidate Calendar. Forms needed for a complete filing include:
- Petition/Certificate of Nomination (SFN 2704) - signature from 10% of the qualified voters of the city as determined by the number of votes cast in the city for that office in the most recent election at which the office appeared on the ballot (NDCC § 61-24.5.07).
- Affidavit of Candidacy (SFN 2703)
- Statement of Interests (SFN 10172)
Campaign Finance
Candidates for city office in cities with a population equal to or less than 5,000 are not subject to financial disclosure requirements.
Candidates for cities with a population greater than 5,000 must file financial disclosure statements pursuant to NDCC § 16.1-08.1-02.3(6) with their City Auditor.
School Office Filing
The School Business Manager is the filing officer for school district contests. All contests at the school district level are non-partisan.
Eligibility | Terms | Filing Requirements
School Board Member
- Must be a qualified voter in the school district in which the candidate is to serve (NDCC § 15.1-07-14).
- Terms vary depending on the school district.
Filing Requirements
Candidate filings must be filed by deadlines listed in the Candidate Calendar. Unless held in conjunction with a regularly scheduled county primary election every two or four years, annual school district elections must be held in each public school district on a date between April 1 and June 30, at the discretion of the school board (NDCC § 15.1-09-22).
Forms that need to be filed with the School District Manager for a complete filing are as follows:
- Candidates for school district office must file a statement setting forth the candidate’s name and the position for which that person is a candidate (NDCC § 15.1-09-08).
- Statement of Interests (SFN 10172)
Campaign Finance
Candidates for school board in school districts with a fall enrollment of 1,000 or greater must file financial disclosure statements pursuant to NDCC § 16.1-08.1-02.3(5)(6) with their School District Manager.
Write-In Candidate
A person who intends to be a write-in candidate for a county, multi-county, city, or school district office at the Primary Election or General Election is not required to file anything in order for the candidates' write-in votes to be counted (NDCC § 16.1-12).